domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020


1-During this week, boys and girls in Year 2, you are going to find 5 to 10 objects around the house with different shapes. 
Buscad por la casa objetos que tengan diferentes formas.
2- Bring them back to a table covered with plain paper or a paper bag that has been cut open.
3- Trace the shapes with a pencil and then color them in.

When school is canceled because of coronavirus and kids are quarantined at home, this is the perfect guide that promotes math, literacy and science through art and play. Day 2: Shapes Scavenger HuntWhen school is canceled because of coronavirus and kids are quarantined at home, this is the perfect guide that promotes math, literacy and science through art and play. Day 2: Shapes Scavenger HuntWhen school is canceled because of coronavirus and kids are quarantined at home, this is the perfect guide that promotes math, literacy and science through art and play. Day 2: Shapes Scavenger Hunt
Durante está semana vamos a buscar por la casa objetos con diferentes formas geométricas. Después los dibujaremos sobre un papel, cartulina o cartón. Lo decoramos con pintura, rotuladores o plastidecores. Utilizar la imaginación para hacer y diseñar cosas y esculturas con las formas realizadas


-Butcher paper, paper bags, or just plain paper (papel de cualquier tipo, blanco de dibujo o bolsa de papel)
-Pencils (lápices)
-Colored pencils (lápices de colores)
-Markers (rotuladores)
-Crayons (plastidecores)
-Paint (pintura)

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