viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

Year 5 Blue Class


For these weeks I give you some ideas for activities to do at home. We are going to review everything that we have learnt during the first and second term. Have fun and enjoy!!

Todo va ir bien chicos y chicas de 5º!                                                  
Os dejo algunas ideas para hacer actividades durante estos días. Aquí os dejo algunas ideas de actividades para hacer durante estos días. Vamos a repasar todo lo que hemos dado y haremos algunas actividades divertidas para que os divirtáis en casa.

ACTIVITY 1: First we are going to review the animals: where do they live, their habbitats, what do they eat etc…(repasamos el vocabulario)

Make a list of animals you remember in your notebook. Then choose three animals, a carnivore, an ocean animal and a bird (haz una lista de animales que ya conoces)
This chart is going to help you.  (el recuadro de aquí abajo te ayudará)

Pincha en el enlace para hacer ejercícios

ACTIVITY 2: Learn parts of the body of the animals try to look for information on the internet

Busca en Internet como se llaman las diferentes partes del cuerpo de los animales que has elegido.

ACTIVITY 3:Draw them in your notebook and take a picture. You can send it to me!
Puedes hacer un dibujo en tu libreta y me lo envías por correo.

When you describe an animal, you have to follow these steps.
La descripción dels animals se fan per parts açí les tens
Step 1- " IT IS..."
What animal is it? What kind of animal is it?  It is a lion. It´s a mammal.
Step 2-  "IT LIVES..."
Where does it live?  It lives in the Savanah
Talk about its body.  Its body is covered with fur.
Step 4- "IT HAS GOT..."
Some features.   It has got sharp teeth.
Step 5- "IT EATS..."
Say if this animal is carnivore, hervivore...  It eats meat.
Step 6- "IT CAN..."
Write about interesting things…. It can run very fast.

Example: ejemplo

It is a crocodile. It is a reptile
It lives in the savanah.
Its body is covered with scales.
It has got very sharp teeth, big claws, short legs and a long tail.
It eats other big animals such as zebras. So it is carnivore
It can run and swim very fast. It is really dangerous. If you find one of these animals, it can eat you.

ACTIVITY 4: Watch the videos and answer the grammar questions
Mira los vídeos y contesta a las preguntas que te piden contestar.

WATCH FAT WILD ANIMALS (click on the purple letters)

ACTIVITY 5: Description of a LION in a power point. Can you do it?
Una idea per a fer un power point!! Un repte! Pots fer-ne un???

Resultado de imagen de LION PICTURE

ACTIVITY 6: Read, listen and guess the animal:
Lee, escucha y escribe ¿qué animal es?

ACTIVITY 7: Now is your turn to write a description about your favourite animal.
Remember to use some irregular adjectives:
Recordad que podéis usar los adjetivos irregulares en vuestras frases.

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